Different Yoga Poses To Try On International Yoga Day
International Yoga Day: This International Yoga Day, you will get to know about different yoga poses which you should definitely try for the purpose of losing weight, boosting your metabolism and also achieving a toned body. We all celebrate 21st June Yoga Day with full of energy and joy.
Basically, yoga is such an ancient practice which has originated in India and also it helps to treat digestive issues and helps to boost metabolism. Not the only day, but it is also considered to be a great stress buster.
How To Celebrate Yoga Day?
International Day of Yoga or World Yoga Day should be necessarily
celebrated with this yoga which will help you to achieve weight loss.
International Yoga Day, 2019 will be
celebrated on June 21. Worldwide, there are millions of people from Prime
Minister Narendra Modi to numerous Bollywood actors and actress appreciates,
loves and also accepts yoga.
So, the main idea behind the Yoga Day Celebration is to raise awareness about the benefits of
practicing yoga. Along with that, it is also focused to provide knowledge about
how yoga is good for the mental, physical and spiritual well being. Practicing of yoga has also gained so much popularity because of the health benefits of
This is the main reason, why everyone favors celebrating the
International Yoga Day. Yoga is considered to be such a practice which helps to
achieve body flexibility, fitness and also weight loss.
The Best Yoga Poses To Practice On This International Yoga Day
You should always keep in mind that you need to hold on each posture up to 1 minute before you go ahead with doing yoga on this International Yoga Day. So, first of all, begin with 15 to 20 seconds and after that, slowly increase the number of seconds.
1. Surya Namaskar
salutations or surya namaskar are considered to be very much effective whenever
it comes to weight loss. It stretches and also warms up muscles and thereby
improving blood circulation.
There are 12 poses in surya namaskar which helps
to build up internal heat and also help to tone and stretch the major muscle
groups in the body. Along with toned abs and arms, they also help one to
achieve a narrow waistline. Surya namaskar is thus an important yoga pose which
helps to balance metabolism and also stimulates the digestive system.
2. Downward Dog Pose
downward dog pose generally helps to tone your entire body. So, basically, this
pose helps to strengthen the thighs, back, and arms by paying a little extra
attention to certain muscles. You also need to engage your thighs and rotate those
inwards for getting the maximum benefits from downward dog pose.
The same thing
is needed to be done with your upper arms. So, you need to continue to press
down through your heels and hands. Also, try touching your heels on the floor. Breathe
at the time of doing exercise and also hold up to a minute.
3. Twisted Chair Pose
twisted chair is mainly considered to be the yoga version of squats. It
contributes to work on the butt, abs, and quads. This particular yoga pose
helps both the digestive system and also the lymph system. In
turn, all of these important benefits help
to aid in the weight loss process.
4. Second Warrior Pose
is an important yoga pose which contributes to tone muscles in your shoulders
and thighs. You should try to bend your front knee in order to perfect this
particular pose. Also, your thighs should remain parallel to the floor.
tighter your squads will get, on the basis of how long you are able to hold on
this particular position. You also need to switch size and repeat on the other
side. So, the secret behind this pose is to calm down your mind by breathing.
5. Third Warrior Pose
particular yoga pose helps in achieving a more toned butt. Along with that, it
also helps in strengthening and toning of your back, legs, and arms.
need to contract your abs to perform the third warrior prose. This is needed to
be done while holding on to the position. It will help you to achieve balance
and will thereby flatten your belly. This exercise will be considered to be
beneficial like most yoga poses if you hold it for a long time.
6. Shoulder Stand
digestive will be effectively improved by practicing this particular yoga. Also,
it acts as a therapy for thyroid problems. It contributes to strengthening the
body too.
Mainly, the shoulder stand helps to balance your thyroid levels by boosting
metabolism. So, it helps in the weight loss process. Again, it helps in the
improvement of the respiratory system and also strengthens abs, legs, upper
body and thereby, it promotes better sleep.
7. Bow Pose
pose is an important yoga pose which helps to burn belly fat quickly. You can
easily perform it by pulling both your hand and feet in the opposite direction
until both the pelvis and abdomen touch the floor. This helps to perform this
yoga pose with greater intensity. Along with that, it contributes to strengthening
back, thighs and chest.
8. Triangle Pose
triangle pose is considered to be best for working on the abs even though, it
does not engage a lot of body muscles. So, this twisting motion of triangle
pose helps to reduce fat deposits in the belly and improves digestion. It also
engages the muscles of arms and legs and helps in weight loss and burning fat.
9. Bridge Pose
pose is mainly one of the most effective yoga poses for weight loss. It brings
a balance in the thyroid levels and helps to tone your butt. This is performed
in such a way which makes the chest move towards the chin. It gently massages
the thyroid gland and thereby regulating the production of thyroid hormone.
it is very important for the metabolism of the body.
All you need is to press down with your feet
in order to perform the bridge pose. After that, you should lift your upper
body, legs, and thighs. It mainly engages muscles of back and thighs and also
helps to tone them. Regular practicing of the bridge pose helps to improve digestion and helps in stimulating the abdominal organs.
it is evident from the above section that these are the best yoga which you
should essentially practice on the International
Yoga Day. This Yoga Day lets
sweat by yoga and starts practicing these yoga poses in order to achieve weight
loss in the most relaxing and healthy possible way.