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Yoga For Beginners: 5 Basic Poses Of Yoga To Get You Started

Basic Poses Of Yoga

Basic Poses Of Yoga: Being a beginner, yoga sometimes seems much difficult for one. During the initial phases, every pose usually seems to challenge the flexibility and physical endurance. But, gradually over time, one, understands the yoga asanas or poses on practicing it well. Also, this seems to be fulfilled with fun and enjoyable for them with them.

This section talks about some basic poses of yoga which can easily prove to be helpful for you to get started.

1. Mountain Pose Or Tadasana

This is considered to be one of the basic yoga poses for beginners. So, this particular pose mainly teaches one to stand with the magnificent steadiness such as a mountain. The word ‘Tada’ refers to a mountain from this the name originates. It also contributes to improving concentration and focus and involves the major groups of muscles. Also, it is known to be the starting position for all the other asanas.

Steps In Tadasana

Basic Poses Of Yoga
First of all, you need to stand with your heels apart and hand your arms mainly beside the torso. After that, you should gently lift and spread the balls of your feet and the toes and thereby laying them softly down on the floor.

It is important to balance the overall weight of your body on your feet at this stage. You need to lift your ankle as well as firm your thigh muscles at the time of rotating them in an inward fashion. Also, elongate your torso as you inhale and discharge your shoulder blades specifically away from your head at the time you exhale.

Your collarbone needs to be broadened and neck should be elongated. At this stage, you need to keep your shoulders, ears, ankles, and hips all in one line. Also, you need to check your position by standing alongside the wall, Along with that; you can raise and stretch your hands as well as finally breathe easy.

2. Tree Pose Or Vrikshasana

It is another important beginner yoga balance poses and so, you usually receive a sense of grounding with the help of this pose. It strengths your back and legs and gradually helps in the improvement of your balance. Also, it perfectly replicates the steady stance of a tree.

All you need to do is to position your right foot mainly high up on your left thigh in order to get started. You should ensure that the sole of the foot should be flat as well as placed definitely.

By keeping your left leg straight, you need to perfectly find your balance. You need to bring your palms together after raising your arms over your head while inhaling. Also, it is very important to make sure that your spine is kept straight and you should also take a few deep breaths. Release your right leg; bring your hands down after exhale slowly. This thing is needed to be repeated with the other leg generally back in the standing position.

3. Downward Facing Dog Pose Or Adho Mukho Svanasana

This is considered to be one of the easiest and basic poses of yoga. Also, this particular pose is involved in stretching the chest, hamstrings, as well as lengthens the spine. Thereby, it helps to supply additional blood flow to specifically the head. It will generally leave you to feel energized. 

First of all, you need to sit on your heels, and after that stretch your arms forward on the mat as well as lower your head. All you need to do is to form a table, by pushing off your hands, strengthening your legs and thereby, slowing raising your hips. Also, you need to press your heels down and let your head hand in a free position and tighten your waist.

4. Triangle Pose Or Trikonasana

In this triangular poses, one needs to stretch their torso and legs, mobilizes the hips and thereby, promoting deep breathing. It also contributes to leaving a person with enlivening effects. All you need is to stand with your feet wide apart. After that, you need to stretch your right foot out i.e. 90 degrees at the time of keeping the legs at a closer position to the torso. 

You also need to balance your weight equally on both feet while keeping your feet pressed touching the ground. Inhale as well as bend your right arm as you exhale and thereby making it touch the ground. At this position, your left arms usually go up. 

Finally, ensure that your body is not backward or forward but bent sideways. While taking long and deep breaths, you need to stretch as much as you can. Also, this thing is needed to be repeated mainly on the other side.

5. Chair Pose Or Kursiasana

Another most popular basic poses of yoga are considered to be the kursiasana or chair pose. It is a strongly powerful pose and this helps to strengthen the muscles of the arms as well as legs. Along with that, it has an energizing effect on the mind and body and so, it contributes to building your willpower. Along with that, you need to stretch your arms but do not bend your elbow. 

Inhale and also bend your knees and thereby pushing your pelvis down like you are sitting on a chair. Another important thing is to keep your hands in a parallel fashion to the ground as well as back straight. Also, you need to take deep breaths and steadily bend but all you need to make sure is that your knees do not generally go beyond your toes.


In this way, it is clear from the above section, that these are some of the popular basic poses of yoga. As a beginner, one can easily consider one of these easy poses or asanas. Along with that, there is the presence of some other important basic yoga poses such as naukasana or boat pose, bhujangasana or cobra pose, paschimottanasana, child’s pose and also sukhasna. Among these, sukhasna is considered to be a comfortable position for both meditation and pranayama. A practitioner receives a centering effect with the help of this particular yoga pose.

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