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7 Most Essential Elements Of Body Which You Should Be Aware Of

Essential Elements Of Body

Essential Elements Of Body: There are generally seven most essential elements of body, which are needed to be considered in this article. Also, these essential elements are generally known to be the nutrient.

What Is A Nutrient?

A nutrient is anything that is involved in providing nourishment which is considered to be important for growth as well as the maintenance of life. Along with that, it also includes macronutrients and also micronutrients which include amino acids and fatty acids.

Most of the nutrients are considered to be very good for us. But, here is given a discussion about a few of them which are essentially needed to be incorporated in our diets.

1. Water

Essential Elements Of Body

Water is considered to be one of the most essential elements of body. It is because keeping our body hydrated is really very important. Along with that, water is most essential for survival as it is involved in making up to 60 percent of the human adult body. A person living a few days without water can particularly lead to serious injury and sometimes even death.

Importance Of Water In Our Body

Our entire body relies hugely on water and so, it is considered to be very much important for temperature regulation as well as waste removal. Along with that, it is the most essential element of each and every cell.

So, as to remain hydrated, one should preferably drink water throughout the day. Not only that, he or she should involve in eating those foods which possess a high content of water such as vegetables and fruits.

2. Carbohydrates

Essential Elements Of Body

After water, carbohydrates or carbs are also known to be a very important element which is needed by our body. Just like any other specific nutrients, consumption of carbs is thought to balance our body. In reality, the carbs are found to be very much useful for the proper functioning of our body. These carbs are again broken down into glucose which is considered to be the main fuel of body as well as our brain.

Carbs And Energy

Along with that, carbs also ensure that the proteins are not broken down by our body in order to gain energy. Thereby, it helps in the prevention of loss of the muscle mass. Complex carbohydrates such as vegetables, whole grains as well as fruits are known to be very much healthy. It is because, these particularly take a much longer time to break down and as a result, a person is kept fuller for longer. So, it cuts down the eating of unhealthy snacks.

3. Protein-Amino Acids

Essential Elements Of Body

Protein is considered to be the most important nutrient which helps to ensure good health. It specifically works by the formation of the muscles and also the creation of new hormones as well as enzymes. Along with that, several important functions are also performed by protein in our body.

About Amino Acids

Amino acids are again known to be small building blocks of proteins. They are considered to be the building blocks of cells which regenerate much slowly as a particular personage. So, it particularly helps to enhance optimal aging at the time of your life when it is essential to compensate for any deficiencies and support your nutritional intake. In total, there are about 20 amino acids but only nine are considered to be essential one such as:

  • Histidine
  • Isoleucine
  • Leucine
  • Lysine
  • Methionine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Threonine
  • Tryptophan
  • Valine

Plant proteins may be sometimes lacking in these essential elements but animal proteins are involved in providing all these.

It is very important for a person to incorporate a variety of proteins in their diet like eggs, meat, nuts, dairy, and beans in order to ensure that you are getting all these essential amino acids. But, one should preferably try to eat lean meat.

4. Fat

Essential Elements Of Body

Fat is again known to one of the oft-targeted nutrients. A really bad reputation is earned by dietary fat because of its association with body fat. But, fat is mainly an essential nutrient which helps to protect organs and also boosts absorption of vitamins. Some types of fats such as trans fat which is found in baked and processed foods are undoubtedly bad. It is because it increases the risk of heart diseases and so, it should be consumed very rarely.

On the other hand, unsaturated fat which is found in natural sources helps to prevent heart disease and is involved in protecting the heart. The important source of these good fats is salmon, avocados, and nuts.

5. Vitamins

Essential Elements Of Body

A vitamin is mainly considered to be an essential micronutrient and also an organic compound that is needed by our body in small amounts. The most essential vitamins are mainly:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • B vitamins

Vitamin A is important for eye and also, skin health whereas Vitamin C is essential for muscle, bone structure, and immune support. On the other hand, Vitamin D is important for bone growth, nervous and cardiovascular health.

There is no such food which provides every essential vitamin. For this reason, a healthy and diverse diet is needed. If a particular person opts for a restrictive diet then it is not wrong to take a multivitamin supplement in order to fill in the gaps. But, one should try to get these vitamins naturally.

6. Minerals

Essential Elements Of Body

Minerals are again considered to be another essential micronutrient. Each of the minerals is involved in playing a different role in our body.

Seven essential minerals are generally:

  • Sodium
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Phosphorus

Calcium is an important mineral which is proved to be helpful for muscle and nerve function, bone health as well as circulation. In our body, 90% of the calcium is present in the teeth and bones. Leafy greens, dairy, and fishes like salmon and sardines are considered to be an important source of calcium.

On the other hand, sodium helps to keep our muscles and nerves working in a correct manner. But, sodium should be consumed in moderation and carefully. Naturally, it is found in meats, vegetables, nuts, and legumes. High sodium foods like frozen, processes and canned foods need to be avoided.

7. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Essential Elements Of Body

Omega-3 fatty acids may aid heart function and generally helps in the optimization of brain health. It is considered to be an important thing in your diet.

Active Omega-3 fatty acids are mainly found in sardines, mackerel, and salmon which do not require much energy for the body to use. Plant-based sources generally include walnuts, flax and also chia seeds. An inactive form of omega-3 is present in these foods which the body has to convert before it can use.


In this way, it is particularly evident from the above section that all these essential elements of body are considered to be the most important building blocks of our body. So, one should necessarily incorporate these things in their diet in order to stay healthy as well as young for longer.

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