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10 Home Remedies For Insect Bites And Stings Which You Should Try

Insect Bites And Stings

Insect Bites And Stings: In this world, there is the availability of insects each and everywhere. At least, one everyone would have been the victim of the insects bites and stings in their overall lifetime. So, most of the people are well aware of the pain which arises due to the insect bites and stings. Sometimes, it could be itchy too.

Unfortunately, some are very lucky enough that they do not suffer from a severe allergic reaction. For bee stings, there is the presence of many home remedies which most of the people needs to be considered. These will help to reduce swelling, ease the pain, and reduce the mind-numbing irritating itch. If you are allergic to wasp stings or bee stings, then after biting, you must immediately visit the hospital.

Home Remedies For Insect Stings

The home remedies for insect stings and bites usually varies for different insects. Some insect produces an acidic substance whereas the others are involved in producing an alkali. So, a completely different kind of reaction is seen for different insect stings. Here is given a brief discussion regarding some of the important home remedies for swelling, pain, itchiness of insect stings.

1. Ice

Ice is considered to be the most effective, easy and best way to reduce swelling. It helps to slow down the temperature of blood flow as it is cold.

Affected person needs to apply the ice cube or ice pack on the bitten place and keep it for almost 20 minutes. Even people can take a bag of frozen peas. It will definitely help to reduce pain and swelling. If people apply an ice cube then it should make sure, that infected area is protected well. Usually, cloth or towel helps in the protection of the infected area. So, it specifically helps to get much relief from the insect bites and stings.

2. Garlic

Garlic is known to be the best home remedy for an insect sting. One needs to take a garlic clove and rubs it on the infected area. Along with that, he or she also need to make sure that full juice has come out and it applied the proper manner. After applying this it will definitely help.

3. Onion

This is another such ingredient which is easily available in everyone’s kitchen. Basically, one needs to cut the onion into half and place it to the infected area in order to get rid of insect bites and stings. It is suggested to press the online in a gentle manner until the pain stops.

4. Cucumber

Even fruits are considered to be helpful in reducing pain arising from insect bites and stings. It also helps to reduce eyes wrinkles. Along with that, it possesses a natural chemical which helps to constrict body tissue and make it cool. For reducing pain, you only need to make a slice of a cucumber and rub it on the affected area.

Bee Sting Home Remedies

Like insect stings first aid, bee sting home remedies are also needed to be considered. Bee sting venom is acidic to a normal human body. To reduce this kind of pain, people can easily use home remedies. These home remedies include quite alkaline ingredients or substances which will help to neutralize the venom.

The most popular ingredients for the home remedies of bee sting specifically include:

  • Baking Soda
  • Salt

5. Baking soda

One generally needs to prepare a thick paste of baking soda with water and then apply it on the affected area. It will contribute to ease pain and reduce swelling from a bee sting. Along with that, it also helps to get much relief from the insect bites and stings.

6. Salt

One specifically needs to make a thick paste mixing with salt and water and then apply it to the affected area in order to get rid of the insect bites and stings (bees’ sting).

Wasp Sting Home Remedies

Wasp Sting is mainly considered to be alkaline in nature. All that is needed is to use specific ingredients as home remedies which are quite acidic. So, it includes those ingredients which help to neutralize the affected area of the insect bites and stings.

The common ingredients for the home remedies of wasp sting specifically include fresh lemons, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, and vinegar.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar

First of all, one needs to soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar liquid. After that, it is required to press with small pressure on the affected area until the pain disappears. The vinegar acid will help to neutralize the venom and thereby, getting rid of the pain arising from insect bites and stings.

8. Vinegar

It is much like the treatment of apple cider vinegar. This is required to be applied to the affected area with the help of a cotton pad and hold it on the affected area. Instead of holding, one can also apply a few drops of vinegar on the skin.

9. Lemon Juice

People can take a lemon slice and squeeze out the juice. After that, they need to wet cotton or cloth with that juice and apply it on the affected area.  This particular treatment helps to get much relief from the insect bites and stings.

10. Fresh Lemons

If people do not want to use lemon juice, then they can also use fresh lemon. All that is needed is to cut the lemon into half and squeeze the juice directly on the affected area.


So, it is cleared from the above section that the given ten home remedies for insect bites and stings are considered to be very effective in order to get rid of the pain and swelling. But, it equally important for the affected people to visit the hospital or to seek the help of the medical professionals in order to completely get recovered from this kind of situation. It is because sometimes you may develop an allergic reaction to that substance which is mainly deposited by the insect on your skin.

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