What Is Misophonia: Understanding Its Important Concepts
What Is Misophonia: Some people are not usually aware of the fact that what is misophonia. So, this particular article mainly discusses the most important concepts regarding misophonia.
Is Misophonia Real?
There are some points of time in people's lives when
the sound of the pen tapping, chewing and other noises seem to be both
unbearable as well as annoyable. This particular condition is responsible for
bothering us and so, it is mainly known as misophonia.
Naming Of Misophonia
In the year 2001, this particular condition was first named and also, it is considered to be an ancient Greek word meaning the hatred of sound. Along with that, talking about misophonia, it is basically a selective sound sensitivity syndrome.
So, it is known to be a genuine abnormality of the brain with both physiological as well as psychological symptoms. As per a recent study, it is seen that there
is the presence of a basic difference in brain structure in that person who is
suffering from misophonia in the MRI scans. There is the presence of
differentiation in the way the brain is involved in reacting at the time of
hearing some trigger sounds.
What Are Mainly Caused As A Result Of It?
In most of the people, usually, a fight-or-flight response is caused by this hypersensitivity to sound with this particular condition. So, this particular condition is also involved in interfering with the daily lives of the people. In these cases, people upon hearing some triggering sounds may feel rage, anxiety as well as sometimes panic. Alongside, this can lead to depression, isolation, and avoidance.
Researches In Misophonia
Most of the researches in misophonia are still considered to be relatively new. But, the most important criteria for the purpose of diagnosing this particular disorder are not yet included in the DSM – 5 or Diagnostic And Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. This disorder is again proposed by some of the doctors under the “Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders”.
Misophonia Triggers
Generally, there is a variation of the triggering
sounds among the people who are suffering from the particular disorder i.e.
misophonia. Along with that, it can also change over time. The most common
triggers are generally considered to come from the mouths of other people. This
preferably includes:
- Slurping
- Chomping
- Swallowing
- Lip Smacking
- Throat Clearing
Other Triggers
Along with that, some of the other triggers may also include:
- Writing Sounds
- Sniffling
- Ticking Clocks
- Papers Rustling
- The Sounds Of Birds, Crickets, And Other Animals
- Car Doors Slamming
Potential Triggers
Almost any of the above-mentioned sounds can be considered to be potential triggers. Some of the people who usually suffer from misophonia also have visual triggers such as:
- Foot Wagging
- Hair Twirling
- Nose Rubbing
What Exactly Misophonia Feels Like?
This section helps you to understand what exactly misophonia feels like. Usually, the best way in order to describe what exactly happens at the time someone with misophonia usually sees or hears a trigger may be to think about what it is like for most of the people for the purpose of hearing nails on a chalkboard.
Experience Of People
In this particular condition, usually, your nerves flare, skin prickles as well as you want it to stop immediately. For most people, these things generally occur only for a while. However, people suffering from misophonia usually experience that sensation on a daily basis because other sounds are hardly noticed by the people.
What Causes Misophonia?
Still, now, the researchers are unaware of the
particular fact that what exactly causes misophonia. This condition is again
much seen in those people who possess any of the following symptoms such as:
- Tourette Syndrome
- Anxiety Disorders
- OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
This particular condition is also seen to be most
common in those people who possess tinnitus. Also, tinnitus is mainly
considered to be different disorder in which you hear sounds such as a ringing
in your ears. But, this particular sound is not heard by anyone else.
Misophonia Treatment Or How To Get Over Misophonia
This particular section generally discusses the best way to cope with the condition. Also, this particular condition known as misophonia is generally a kind of a lifelong disorder with no cure. But, there are also several options which have proved to be very much effective in the proper management of this condition.
1. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy
This particular treatment is usually referred to as TRT or tinnitus retraining therapy and most of the people are taught to tolerate noise
in a much better way as a part of this particular treatment.
2. Counseling
When a particular person is seen to be suffering from
misophonia, then there is a huge importance of supporting counseling for both
the person with misophonia as well as their family. This is because this
particular condition is involved in affecting the entire family.
Treatment Options
At this point of time, there are no such medications which are generally approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the purpose of treating the particular condition. Along with that, there is no such conclusive scientific evidence that proves that any of the medication is considered to be effective in the treatment of misophonia.
3. Cognitive behavioral therapy
CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is mainly considered to
be another type of therapy which is proved to be much helpful. It can
particularly help you to change the negative associations which you preferably
have with the triggering noises.
In this way, it is particularly evident from the above
section that understanding what is
misophonia considered to be very much helpful in the proper management of
this condition. Some of the experts also believe that in this particular
condition, the ear level devices which are involved in streaming audio of
nature, rain or other sounds have proved to be much effective. Also, with the
help of it, about 65 percent of the users are seen to experience relief in misophonia symptoms.
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