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HIV AIDS Symptoms And Importance Of Proper Diagnosis Of The Disease

HIV AIDS Symptoms

HIV AIDS Symptoms: AIDS is mainly considered to be one of the biggest health problems of the present age, i.e., it is a pandemic. So, HIV AIDS symptoms are needed to be recognized at a very early stage in order to combat this particular condition.


There are generally three main HIV AIDS causes such as unprotected sex, exchange of blood and infection from mother to infant. The National Acquired Immunization Incomplete Syndrome Control Program and United Nations Acquired Immunization Incomplete Syndication both believe that about 80 to 85 percent of infections in India are spread through unsafe heterogeneous/heterosexual sex.

More Information

It is believed that the first virus of the disease: HIV was found in the monkey of a special species of Africa, and from there it spread to the whole world. So far it is considered to be incurable, but researches are being carried out worldwide for its treatment.

Discovery Of AIDS

With the discovery of AIDS in 1981, about 300 million people have lost their lives. The people should preferably have good knowledge about the HIV AIDS symptoms for the proper diagnosis of the disease.

Differences Between AIDS And HIV


HIV is mainly considered to be a microscopic virus that can cause AIDS. The full form of HIV is the Human Human Immunodeficiency Virus.


The AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) itself is not a disease but it is a syndrome. This reduces the natural resistance of humans to fight against other diseases. Due to decay of resistant potential, any opportunistic infections, i.e. from the common cold to pulmonary fluids, tuberculosis, cancer diseases are very easy to develop. So, the disease cannot be easily cured which can result in even death of the particular person.

Diagnosis Of HIV AIDS

The proper diagnosis of HIV AIDS is considered to be very important. One can preferably check the HIV AIDS symptoms in order to diagnosis the condition. In this regard, AIDS testing is also very important.
Only AIDS test can preferably detect the infection. AIDS is a type of infection that can contribute to many of the serious infection in our body. If someone has HIV then it is not necessary that he or she has AIDS. AIDS is generally caused by the HIV virus, and if the virus is treated in time, the risk of AIDS is reduced.

AIDS In India

As per, a recent study in the British Medical Journal, about 14-16 lakh people in India are affected by HIV / AIDS. Although in 2005, it was originally estimated that about 55 lakhs of HIV / AIDS in India could have been infected.

In the year 2007, more accurate estimates usually show that the number of people infected with HIV / AIDS in India is around 25 lakhs. These new figures are generally supported by the World Health Organization and the U.N.D. In the last 10 years, the number of new HIV infections in India has declined by 50%. This is mainly according to the United Nations 2011 AIDS report.

HIV AIDS Symptoms

Potential Causes Of Increasing Numbers Of People Affected By AIDS In India

  • The general public does not generally have the right information or HIV AIDS awareness.
  • Particular topics regarding sexual diseases and AIDS are mainly avoided.
  • Lack of curriculum for improving sex education and awareness in education.
  • The use of contraceptive pills is generally considered to be inappropriate in many of the religious organizations.

HIV AIDS Symptoms

HIV is usually transmitted through the use of infected blood and blood components. If pregnant women are infected with HIV, then during pregnancy, during birth or during breastfeeding, the newborn may have HIV infection.

HIV AIDS Transmission

HIV virus flows into the blood as soon as the person is infected with this disease. After two to three months of being infected with HIV, it can be identified through blood's antibody test. It may take up to 8 to 10 years for the HIV AIDS symptoms to generally appear in the HIV-infected individuals. An HIV positive person can remain without signs of any sorts of disease for many years.

HIV AIDS Symptoms

General Symptoms Of HIV AIDS

Some of the HIV AIDS symptoms are generally discussed below:

  • The weight of any particular person is reduced to ten kilos in a month without reason.
  • Prevalence of fever, fatigue and sweating in the body for a month or two.
  • Having diarrhea for more than one month and not being comfortable with medicines
  •  Swelling of the glands of the neck, armpits, and organisms.
  • Itching or presence of rash in the body
  • Due to long-term continuous medication, there is no cure for any disease.

Important News Regarding HIV AIDS

In 2014, an international team of Belgian scientists released the latest report by analyzing all the available evidence, using the latest experimental paleographic technology. According to this report, HIV was first born in the 1920s in the capital of Kangas, which is the capital of the African continent, in the 1920s and after that, it has expanded in the whole world.

Professor Oliver Paius of Oxford's Department of Zoology said that it seems that due to the many factors in the early 20th century, the birth of HIV got the full opportunity and without it spread throughout Africa.

General Misconceptions Regarding HIV AIDS

  • There are generally many types of misconceptions about AIDS, so it is important to know about HIV in depth. HIV transition from one person to another is likely only in the same condition as the physical fluid (blood, semen, or vaginal discharge) of an HIV positive person comes in contact with another person's physical fluid.
  • There is no danger of being infected with normal working with an HIV infected person. In case you touch any HIV infected person, then, it is not at all considered to be a risk of infection.
  • The salivary / sputum, stool-urine, and tears of the person also do not have the risk of spreading the HIV virus.

More Misconceptions Regarding HIV AIDS

In the context of HIV infected blood, one thing to note is that in the case of a small amount of blood, the HIV virus becomes inactive after its drying. It is said about AIDS that caution is the HIV AIDS treatment. This is because it is a disease which has not yet been found for any treatment, so every person should try to avoid it. HIV AIDS symptoms are always needed for the proper identification of the disease.

Importance Of Drugs For The Prevention Of AIDS

There are many new drugs which are mainly created for the prevention of AIDS are usually known as anti-reverse transcript enzyme viral therapy or antiretroviral therapy. These medicines increase the quality of life of a person by reducing the number of HIV virus in the body.
Getting accurate information about safe sex and some precautions can help to avoid this particular disease. If blood is needed, then blood should always be taken from the government or licensed blood bank.

Importance Of Anti-Retroviral Or ARV Medication

By providing anti-retroviral (ARV) medication for pre-natal HIV positive mothers and their newly born babies, newborn babies can be protected from HIV infection. So HIV-positive pregnant women should consult a gynecologist. Along with that, they should ask them how to Children who are to be protected from HIV infection can be saved.


In this way, it is particularly evident from the above section that, proper knowledge of the HIV AIDS symptoms helps in the proper diagnosis of this particular disease. Apart from that, it is also very much important to increase awareness about this particular condition. In general, HIV infected person should take nutritious diet and clean water to reduce the impact of AIDS. Also, taking full sleep, exercise, and meditation, and getting a professional consultant service is equally important. He or she should also give up all his addictions and do not let anyone else get infected in this disease.

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