Swine Flu Treatment And Proper Management Of The Disease
Swine Flu Treatment: Swine flu is mainly considered to be a rapidly spreading infectious disease. So, proper swine flu treatment is always necessary. Also, it is very important for you to specifically learn about symptoms and proper management of swine flu.
About Swine Flu Or Swine Influenza
Swine influenza or swine flu is a respiratory disease of the pigs which is generally caused by the Type A influenza virus. There is a regular outbreak of influenza in pigs and so the particular disease is also known as pig influenza. Swine flu viruses do not particularly infect the humans but rare human infections have occurred which is discussed well in the below section.
Know The Disease
Proper swine flu
treatment is only possible by knowing about the disease closely. Along with
that, it is necessary to know about it for swine
flu prevention. Here are given some of the essential information.
- Swine flu is caused by a specific type of influenza virus (H1N1). It is also called a swine flu virus. So, this severe infectious disease is also known as H1N1 flu.
- The affected person has similar symptoms as normal seasonal cough and cold, like, fever, cough, and cold, sore throat, draining of the nose or nasal congestion, body pain, headache, chills, fatigue, abdominal pain and also sometimes diarrhea vomiting. This is the main reason why swine flu treatment is necessary as fast as possible.
- Pregnant women, young children and also young people are strongly affected by this particular disease. Here, comes the importance of swine flu vaccine.
- Swine flu is generally transmitted by droplet infection from one patient to another healthy person. This can occur by sneezing, coughing, etc.
- Swine flu symptoms occur after 1 to 7 days after being infected. Sometimes, the swine flu symptoms in kids are also seen.
- The people who are more likely to get infected from swine flu are children, pregnant women, elderly, weak individual, and a person suffering from chronic diseases.
How To Defend Swine Flu?
Although swine flu causes are many, by following some basic tips, it is also possible to defend this particular disease. So, it is possible for you to avoid swine flu treatment and disease before occurring.
- Stay away from cough, cold and fever patients.
- Do not touch any other object after touching the eye, nose, mouth and wash hands with soap or antiseptic liquid.
- Keep cloth on mouth and nose while coughing and sneezing.
- Stay relaxed and stress-free. Stress reduces the immune response to many of the diseases and also it tends to increase the possible chances of infection.
- Reduce the intake of starchy items such as potatoes, rice, etc. and also sugary substances. Excessive consumption of these types of substances reduces the activation of specific cells known as neutrophils. Again, these neutrophils have the particular ability to fight against diseases in our body.
- Avoid eating of curd, instead, you can consume buttermilk. Along with that, you should start drinking plenty of boiled water and start eating nutritious food and fruits.
- Stay away from the crowd or any gathering if you are suffering from fever as well as cough and cold. Also, an appropriate sleep of about 7 to 9 hours is necessary.
Swine Flu Symptoms
First of all, it is very important for you to look at your health. In case, you start suffering from fever, coughing, burning in the throat and having trouble breathing, then, it is advised to go to the nearest hospital for the swine flu treatment. The symptoms of swine flu are as follows:
- Symptoms of swine flu are similar to normal cough, cold and fever. During this, an individual can experience a fever of about 100.4 ° F.
- Hunger decreases and water flow through the nose.
- Some people also get throat irritation, vomiting, and diarrhea.
The above symptoms are definitely visible to anyone who is
suffering from swine flu. So, if some time is suffering from the above
symptoms, then there is a clear indication that swine flu treatment is necessary.
How To Distinguish Between Swine Flu And Common Cold?
If a particular person is suffering from a normal cold, then there is a tendency for it to cure soon. But, in case of swine flu, it is not cured property and so, its effect is considered to be more fatal.
The weakness level gradually increases in your body as a result of swine flu and the individual also does not feel hungry. Along with that, the fever also comes and goes. Throat irritation and headache are also common in this disease. So, the individual must opt for the swine flu treatment as soon as possible.
Swine Flu Treatment At Home
The treatment of swine flu is also specifically possible at your
home. But, first of all, swine flu test is
needed to be done for the purpose of properly identifying the particular
disease. The below-given swine flu
treatment options are considered to be home remedies. Apart from that, it
also several tips regarding swine flu
treatment in Ayurveda.
- Drink specific Ayurvedic drinks or brew. To make this, you need to take one and a half cups of water and then add one spoon of turmeric powder in it, along with, black pepper (three), basil leaves (two), cumin seeds, ginger, and a little sugar. Boil it until the water reduces to one cup and after that squeeze half lemon into it. Just drink it lukewarm. It can be taken 2-3 times a day.
- Insert 2-2 drops of sesame oil on both sides of your nose 3 times a day.
- Take 2 to 3 basil leaves daily.
- Drink fresh Giloy juice about 20 ml per day. This is the appropriate amount for the adults but, it is important to reduce the quantity according to the age of the children.
- If you are experiencing any of the symptoms like Swine flu-like fever, cough and cold as well as shivering, then, it is important to consult your doctor immediately.
- Keep the camphor, cardamom and powdered clove mixture in your handkerchief and keep smelling this. By doing it, gradually reduces the risk of infection.
So, it is particularly evident from the above section
that swine flu is a rapidly spreading and infectious disease. This is the main
reason, why proper swine flu treatment
is always necessary. Also, this particularly helps in the proper management of
the fatal disease. If you keep necessary caution before and after swine flu,
this disease can be avoided. As treatment of this disease is possible, so, the
individual should not panic in case the above-given symptoms of swine flu appear.
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