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Enlightened Sex: Ancient Ayurvedic Practices For A Healthy Sex Life

Healthy Sex

Healthy Sex: There were many of the ways in which both the ancient rishis as well as yogi’s who formulated Ayurveda knew more about sex, consciousness, pleasure and sexual health than any of the modern day expert.

Healthy Sex With Ayurveda

Human sexuality is mainly celebrated by the Ayurvedic tradition not only because it helps to enhance the sensual and physical pleasure. But, it also contributes a lot to enhance mutual respect and emotional intimacy. It can even boost a healthy sex life and also bring the individuals to the experience of their own divinity in the act of physical union.

About Sambhoga

Sambhoga is a popular Sanskrit word meaning sexual intercourse. So, it effectively brings together samyaka which is a word meaning maintenance of a balance whereas bhoga means sexual enjoyment or pleasure. So, in Ayurveda, sexual intercourse and sex generally mean such an activity by which one acquires sexual gratification as well as maintenance equilibrium. This indicates that there are several health benefits of sex

In India, from the time immemorial, human sexuality has been effectively celebrated and so, the Ayurveda also incorporates sex. Some of the sages, in the early days, were married and so, there were sexually active family men as well as women with children and spouses. They also enjoyed healthy sexual relationships.

Healthy Management of Sexual Energy

Healthy Sex

Healthy sex is considered to be the key to a successful and long-lasting relationship. Brahmacharya, in Ayurveda, is often adopted as an important way of life. So, it generally refers to our acceptance of us as more than beasts which are under the control of a frenzied sex drive. Instead, we are preferably asked to celebrate our sexuality and also, accept the responsibility to understand as well as regulate our sexual drive at the same time. 

We also accept this fact that our sexuality is given by God. So, the particular word brahmacharya brings together the opposites of sexual restraint as well as sexual indulgence. One specifically gains intelligence, memory, nourishment, health, reputation, the sharpness of sense organs, long life and strength from a disciplined indulgence in sex through brahmacharya.

Human Pleasures

Indeed, the Vedic sages were very farsighted at the time they conceived of such a society which holds its collective sexual energy with accountability, transparency, sensitivity, respect, and care. Generally, there are many of the human pleasures which includes dancing, singing, enjoying material wealth, playing as well as sexual gratification are seen by the sages as pursuits. 

It effectively plays a very important role in the overall health and also the wellbeing of a society and an individual. In Ayurveda, one can easily find several important healthy sex facts. At the time of speaking of sex, the Ayurvedic sages usually go very far as saying that in case the sexual instinct is suppressed in a forceful manner then it can lead to countless physical diseases and also mental perversions.

So, kama or sexuality is recognized by Ayurveda as a legitimate and valid human goal. This is the main reason, these days people should essentially focus on healthy sex. In order to aid the realization of this goal, there were several texts known as Kama Shastra which were compiled and so, these mainly serve as important manuals for the purpose of engaging in fulfilling sex. One such example is the Kama Shastra which was written by Sage Vatsyayana.

Sexual Desires

Sexual desires, mainly in the context of Ayurveda are seen in relation to the whole of dharma. This is also along with all of our other person wants as well as desires. Our sexual desires are given a healthy outlet with the help of this context and sexual education within a larger framework of ethics and values. This again helps in prevention of compulsions, additions and sexual perversions.

Keeping Things Balanced and Healthy

Healthy Sex

All that is needed is to keep things balanced as well as healthy. It helps to boost healthy sex and thereby promoting healthy and better life. Sex is just like a magic tool to preferably the one awakened to exercising choice. So, sex is considered to be a passion so pure, an inborn cosmic expectation of pleasure, a permission to play with life as well as enjoy and fondle this world in which we have chosen to the journey. However, it is quite significant how we exactly choose to indulge our sexuality.

It is in accordance with the ayurvedic sexual teachings, when desire or kama becomes a dominant force, hiding of our higher purpose from us, at that time generally, the potential of emotional suffering increases. One can be literally taken to heaven in a single moment with the help of a simple sexual desire as well as its pursuit.

Vagabhata was a popular Ayurvedic sage who described sex as a pleasure of two kinds such as delayed an instant. Instant gratification is considered to be such happiness which is changeable and so, it is related to the material world.  This is associated with one-night stands as well as pleasure with no commitment. Such kind of sex may generally feel deliciously indulgent but this thing is riddled with a lot of risks.

On the other hand, the delayed pleasure preferably implies accumulated happiness through self-respect, self-control, as well as the exercise of discernment and restraint. Basically, what one discerns is considered to be the important difference existing between the immediate sense gratification as well as actions which lead to moksha or ultimate freedom. This is considered to be the mindful path, the path of moderation and also balance.


So, it is evident from the above section that, one of the most important facets of health is again the art and science of divine lovemaking in the Ayurvedic tradition. So, the full treatment of this particular subject is not specifically within the scope of this. That is why it is very important to communicate some of the fundamental Ayurvedic sex principles which are needed to be incorporated in your daily life. It will essentially contribute to promoting healthy sex.

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