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 Research Study Suggests An Egg A Day May Reduce Cardiac Risk

Cardiac Risk

Cardiac Risk: It is evident by a new study which is conducted in China that eating an egg a day may contribute to lower cardiac risk or cardiovascular disease risk.

CNN reported that the particular study found that persons who consume egg on an everyday basis had 18 percent lower chances of dying from cardiovascular disease.

Earlier, most of the doctors would preferably warn their patients from too many eggs. This is because they actually believed that despite the presence of high-quality protein as well as other positive nutritional components, there is also the presence of high amounts of cholesterol in the eggs which the doctors thought might be harmful to health. However, in accordance with the co-author of the study, Canqing Yu, generally the existing studies which were conducted on the association between cardiovascular diseases as well as egg are considered to be controversial. This was mainly due to the limited information and also a small sample size.

Many of the past studies which were conducted in this regard mainly provided only limited evidence from the Chinese population. Yu said that it particularly has huge differences in terms of diseases patterns, lifestyle behaviors and also dietary habits.

These are generally the most important reason for which he, as well as his colleague, decided to investigate the relationship existing between cardiovascular diseases and eating eggs.

This particular study also found that slightly more than 13 percent of the adults ranging in the age from the 30 to 79 said that they ate about an egg a day. On the other hand, over 9 percent mainly reported never or very rarely enjoying an egg. But, all of these participants ate chicken, but not eggs and also ducks.

After that, this selected group was tracked by the research team over nearly nine years. During the study, they majorly focused on the major coronary events.

According to Yu, one of the leading causes for most of the deaths in China is considered to be cardiovascular disease. So, it particularly accounts for about half of the total mortality.

Yu also added that the first cause of the premature death is mainly the stroke which includes ischemic as well as hemorrhagic stroke which is again followed by the ischemic heart disease. During the conduction of this particular research, it was mainly found by the researchers that eating of about an egg a day is related to the lower heart disease or cardio risk when compared with not eating eggs.

The participants who were involved in eating up to one egg on an everyday basis had a 26 percent lower risk of the hemorrhagic stroke. This thing is again very common in China than in the United State or the others i.e. high-income countries. Also, it is evident from this study, that the egg eaters also preferably enjoyed a 28 percent lower risk of dying from the stroke.

Also, about 12 percent of the less risk of ischemic heart disease is also experienced by the egg eaters. Yu said, on the basis of the results of the study that eating of the eggs in a moderate amount is usually linked with a lower prevalence of the cardiovascular or heart diseases. This thing applies in case of the hemorrhagic stroke.

Final Words

In this way, it is generally evident from this research study that consumption of egg on an everyday basis has the capability to reduce cardiac risk. This study is considered to be really very important and it can change the thought of the doctors on eggs. But, many of the studies are also needs to be conducted in the future days, in order to find the other important benefits of eggs which are still unknown to the people.

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